Monday, September 21, 2009

Lincoln's First Birthday Party

We celebrated Lincoln's first birthday on Sunday. The theme was Where the Wild Things Are. We had lots of family there to help us celebrate.

The invitation. That's Lincoln's face!!

Lincoln's little cake with a crown on top just like Max's in the book.

Enjoying his cake!

Great Aunt Jody, Great Uncle Mitch, Great Aunt Tami, Great 'G', Great Papa, Mo, Grandpa Dana, Great Grandma Martin, Cousin Abby

Our Where the Wild Things Are T-Shirts. We made them!

'Uncle' Eric and Auntie Kelsey

Lincoln with his Great Grandpa and Cousin Trevor.

A special thank you to Eric for the AMAZING invitations and making the cake topper, Jeff and Ginny for the beautiful decorating, Kelsey for helping with treat bags and cupcakes, Mom and Dad for letting us use their house and all of Lincoln's family members for the love, support and most of all...presents!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Doctor Visit and Fruit

Enjoying his first nectarine
First strawberry

Lincoln went for his nine month well baby check at 10.5 months Monday (finally). He weighs 20lbs (23rd percentile) and is 29.5in long (58th percentile) and his head circumference is in the 13th percentile. So he's tall and thin with a cutie little head. The doctor says he looks healthy and that he has a great disposition. He was smiling and laughing at the doctor while he was poking on him. Lincoln has really been enjoying fruit lately. He loves to eat it whole! He had a nectarine for the first time and loved it! He has also been eating strawberries, bananas and pears.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby in Sign Language

Lincoln has one Baby Einstein video that he occasionally watches so that I can take a shower or get ready when he is awake. It teaches several sign language words for babies like mommy and daddy and milk. I was in the shower this morning and I heard Lincoln getting very excited so I peeked out and I saw him making the sign for baby! I told Evan about it when he got home from work, and he tried it with him, and Lincoln started doing it again. We thought it was too cute and wanted to share.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lincoln Walking

Lincoln took his first steps exactly one month ago! I can't believe it's been that long already. He was just taking two or three steps a day on his own until a couple of nights ago. Now he is walking almost as much as he is crawling! I have been trying to get it on video and I finally did! We were watching President Obama talk about his health care plan, so ignore the audio. Hopefully I will get a better video soon. Lincoln's sixth tooth finally broke through today! He is saying a few words too. He says Dada, gook (book) and cog (dog). He used to say Mama, but he hasn't said it for a long time. He loves playing with balls, reading books and brushing his teeth.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lincoln will be walking soon!

This is Lincoln's favorite new toy (from Aunt Carrie!). Tonight was the first time he did this and we were both very surprised and proud of him! He is so fast!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's been too long!

I am finally updating the blog after three months! Lincoln has grown and changed so much. I plan to update much more often now that we have a computer. Lincoln is saying mama and dada some and his new favorite sound is bo bo bo. He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. He has been standing some for about a week and tonight he took an itty bitty step toward me. He has four teeth now! The first one came in May 11th and the next three came soon after. We can't believe he will be nine months old in a week!

Here he is enjoying some prunes for the first time. He also loves graham crackers and veggie puffs.

Swinging at the park. He loved it so much he didn't want to leave.

Lincoln loves bath time. His daddy gives him a bath every night before bed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So many new things!

Eating Bananas!

Zoo Trip

Family pictures.

I don't get to update as often as I'd like. Lincoln had bananas for the first time and loved them. We went to the zoo last week. It was a beautiful day and it was only four dollars! Lincoln is getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He is so ready to start moving!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lincoln and Daddy

Lincoln and Daddy dressed alike for church last Sunday! Then they took a nap on the couch together.

Lincoln's First Rice Cereal

Lincoln had rice cereal for the first time a couple of weeks ago. He did really well and seemed to enjoy it! He is using his bowl and spoon from Grandpa Dana and Grandma Cathy.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lincoln's Mommy and Daddy.

Evan (Kenny) putting Lincoln to sleep on Christmas.

Big blue eyes just like Daddy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I guess I'll have to start blogging...

I've decided to start a blog for all of my out of town family ( and anyone else who is interested). I want you all to see Lincoln as he grows so you don't feel like you are missing out. I don't plan to write much, just updates and I will try to post lots of pictures. Lincoln just had his four month check up. He is 15lbs and 14 oz(68th percentile), 26.25 inches(89th percentile). He is rolling over like crazy and sitting unsupported for a few seconds at a time. Lincoln and I are attending an Itsy Bitsy Yoga class on Saturday mornings. It was a Christmas gift from his Aunt Caroline. We love it!